Azlan’s First Birthday
Sooo i cant believe I have a 1 year old already. Time flew by like you have no idea , seems like just yesterday when we brought him home after my ugly delivery at the hospital lol well I m happy to be alive and be able to see my munchkin grow. Azlan ended up having 3 birthday events. Once in Pakistan with his grandparents , then his cake smash shoot and then another birthday event here in Texas with his grand parents ( my side of the family ). We do want to send a special shout out to Azlan’s Aunty ( phupho ) for putting a lot of hard work & time into his birthday in Pakistan. I loved loved loved his cake , It was done by Cafe Nataliya – Redolence in Lahore & his cake smash photos were taken by Ahsan Saeed. MashAllah everything turned out really well. Below I am sharing some of his photographs , please remember him in your prayers.
“Azlan meaning Lion hence the Lion on the cake “
“The pictures aren’t really in order , i am just uploading as i go “

” Dragging his prey :p “

” Cake Mustache “
Photographs with Birthday Outfit !
Outfit Details :
Belt & Pants: Ralph Lauren
Shirt & Vest : Next
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